Best Browser-Based, Real Time Strategy Games

Before we get into the list itself, it’d be best to discuss the criteria by which we selected these games. The key factor that we looked for when deciding what games should go on here was how unique a particular game is. There are multitudes of great games in this genre so it’s important for a game to do something that would set it apart from the crowd. Other things we considered were pretty standard like how engaging a game is, how many unique gameplay features it brings the table and of course how appealing it is in terms of visuals.
The following five are hands down some of the highest quality RTS games that you can play right now.
Pirates: Tides of Fortune
Most RTS games tend to have either a sci-fi setting or a medieval one but Pirates: Tides of Fortune, as the name suggests, comes with a really distinct pirate based theme that’s been pulled off with perfection. On top of its unique setting, Pirates: Tides of Fortune also comes with a variety of intriguing gameplay elements that you don’t usually find in most other RTS games.
Grepolis is a spectacular game that takes players back into ancient Greece. The game mixes together both historical and mythological elements to make for an extraordinary experience that’s sure to have players hooked from the very first minute they get into the game. The amazing setting has been paired with some highly engaging gameplay as well so the game leaves pretty much nothing to be desired.
Tribal Wars 2
The first Tribal Wars was no doubt an extraordinary game but it lacked in certain areas and this held it back from being a truly perfect game. However, Tribal Wars 2 improves on its predecessor in a variety of different ways and gets rid of all the issues that it had in order to provide players with an exhilarating and engaging experience.
The West
The West landed a spot on this list mainly for the same reason as Pirates: Tides of Fortunes and this reason is the fact that it features a very intriguing theme and setting that you don’t usually see in this genre. The Wild West theme is accompanied by a lot of new gameplay elements as well that make The West one of the most unique RTS titles out there.
Total Domination
The reason Total Domination is on this list is that it basically has every single element that you’d expect to find in a top notch MMORTS game. Total Domination features some of the most polished RTS gameplay out there, a very interesting sci-fi setting, an insane variety of things to do in-game and a whole lot more to make sure that players get absolutely hooked.
All things considered, the aforementioned MMORTS games are easily the best of the best and we definitely recommend giving them a shot.
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